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Department of Com­pu­ter Science

Workshop on Answer Set Programming – May 28, 2024

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On May 28, 2024, the Information Engineering Group of Chair 1 will host a workshop on Answer Set Programming (ASP).

We are particularly pleased to welcome Prof. Torsten Schaub (University of Potsdam) and Asst. Prof. Jesse Heyninck (Open University, NL) as guests. We are also expecting participants from the groups of Prof. Matthias Thimm and Prof. Christoph Beierle from FernUni Hagen.
In the afternoon, invited talks by Prof. Torsten Schaub and Asst. Prof. Jesse Heyninck will take place in room E04, OH14.

The Faculty of Computer Science warmly invites all interested parties to the talks in the afternoon.

Should you have any questions, please contact Andre Thevapalan (andre.thevapalantu-dortmundde).