Four articles from the IE working group accepted at 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence / 25th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2022).
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These are the following articles:
* Meliha Sezgin and Gabriele Kern-Isberner: Revision by Comparison for Ranking Functions;
* Jesse Heyninck, Gabriele Kern-Isberner and Thomas Meyer: Lexicographic entailment, syntax splitting, and the drowning problem;
* Jesse Heyninck, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Matthias Thimm, Kenneth Skiba and Tjitze Rienstra: Possibilistic Logic Underlies Abstract Dialectical Frameworks;
* Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Jesse Heyninck and Christoph Beierle: Conditional Independence for Iterated Belief Revision.