Article accepted for the journal International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
The Article “Simple Contrapositive Assumption-Based Argumentation. Part II: Reasoning with Preferences” by Jesse Heyninck and Ofer Arieli (Academic…
Further article accepted for presentation and publication at JELIA 2021.
The article "Conditional Descriptor Revision and its Implementation by a CSP" by Jonas Haldimann (FernUniversität in Hagen), Kai Sauerwald…
Two articles from the IE working group accepted as part of KR2021.
Two articles from the IE working group accepted as part of KR2021.
The article "Revision and Conditional Inference" for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks by Jesse Heyninck, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Tjitze Rienstra (WeST…
Two articles from the working group accepted as part of NMR2021.
The articles "Arguing about Complex Formulas: Generalizing Abstract Dialectical Frameworks" and "Possibilistic logic underlies abstract dialectical…